Friday, February 10, 2012

Cab Cast Feburary 10th 2012

The podcast is back and better than ever! We have the 30 second reviews back and Austin drops by to phone-in his discussion. Check out all the greatness that is the CAB CAST. Let us know what you think!

Click here to listen

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I've gotta chime in (again) 'cause you gentlemen failed to mention/review one of the BEST comics of the week...

    Conan the Barbarian #1!

    Published by Dark Horse Comics, written by Brian Wood with gorgeous art by Becky Cloonan, this is a wonderful entry point into the world of Conan.

    I'm not much of a Conan fan & don't know all that much about him besides his inherent barbaricness. But Wood does a superb job of bringing in readers to this new, ancient world. His version of Conan is young and even a bit charming. Yet that savage side of him is still there and while it doesn't appear in this issue, Wood hints at it. The plot is essentially about Conan trying to get on a boat & the troubles that naturally follows him, including a mysterious, hauntingly-beautiful pirate queen. If anything, this issue reminded me of Wood's other wonderful series, "Northlanders." And that's a good thing. Things are gonna get even more awesome soon.

    Did I mention Cloonan's art? Did I talk about how freakin' SENSATIONAL it is?? Well, it is great art. She brought her A-game to this comic, giving life to every page, every panel, every line. The characters all have that spark of life, contrasting nicely against the darker, stark landscapes. A comic this fantastic looking deserves to be in your hands.

    BEST comic of the week...
